Enjoy the ride.

Halve the plums and marinate in a good slug of Cruzan golden rum, a squeeze of lime, a finger of grated ginger, and crucially some cardamon. I cracked the pods in two and was transported straight back to the market in Munnar where we bought our collection of spices.

Line a baking dish with foil and place the halved plums flesh side up before sprinkling with sugar and anointing with unsalted butter. Adjust the amount of sugar you use to how sour you imagine the plums are. If in doubt add more. And preferably use brown sugar rather than the white stuff I used. Pour the excess marinate around the plums.

Bake for half an hour or so until the flesh has turned an Oscar golden hue. Spoon the now crimson juice back over the plums to ensure you don't miss out on any of the juicy flavours.

Given that this was a pretty random composition, inspired by nothing more than a cheap bag of plums and a vague recollection of how Cowie's Mum poaches her pears, it came out brilliantly. We loved the unique flavour that cardamon brings to the party coupled with the sweet boozy taste of rum. The yoghurt balanced the fruitiness without resorting to weighing it down with cream whilst the pistachios added some much needed texture.
I'm definitely cooking this again. I've got a funny feeling this might become one of Cowie's favourites! She'll be very upset she missed out on its debut outing. This would make a great base to a crumble or cobbler. I'm even toying with the idea of plum and cardamon jam! Roll on the Autumn!
This looks sublime...
Hi Alex.
Thanks so much for breaking this post's comment virginity. I used them as a base to a crumble on Saturday and will be posting about it soon. Watch this space!
Well I tried this last night...absolutely delicious. Little fluffy balls of sugary delight and the cardamom was a great idea.
Cheers Browners
Thanks Will! So glad you liked it. Next time, try it with crumble on top!
Oh heavens, so simple, so gorgeous! I didn't have cardamoms, but did have stem ginger, butter, cinnamon, so used that and drizzled with spoons of honey. Didn't have yoghurt, did have cream and, when they came out of the oven, couldn't resist slipping the warm aromatic plums on to a couple of left over ginger biscuits. Thank you! X
Oh heavens, so simple, so gorgeous! I didn't have cardamoms, but did have stem ginger, butter, cinnamon, so used that and drizzled with spoons of honey. Didn't have yoghurt, did have cream and, when they came out of the oven, couldn't resist slipping the warm aromatic plums on to a couple of left over ginger biscuits. Thank you! X
@amandajaneblues - Glad you enjoyed them. Your combo sounds lovely.
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