In desperation I considered reviewing M&S's new 75p jam sandwich.

As jam sandwiches go it was an absolute belter. Where mussels and oysters taste of the sea. This tasted of boarding school. I was transported at first bite! Plastic bread and red gungy jam. Mud on my knees and aching shoulders from playing too much rugby. I guess you could call it a Proustian moment.
I also discovered a fantastic cafe / deli on Marylebone Lane that could not be more English. It's called Paul Rothe and is now firmly in my favourites list.

Their corned beef, cheddar and pickle sandwich on granary bread is awesomely English. And their scotch eggs are on a par if not better than the Ginger Pig's. Controversial I know. But not without merit.

I was a bit disappointed by the photos and still couldn't find a theme. Then Malcolm Eggs (from the London Review of Breakfasts) sprang to the rescue like some sort of foodie superman. First he suggested Konstam's ox tongue sandwich. A thing of elusive beauty. I was planning to tie it in with Mothering Sunday via a tenuous link to a plant called Mother in Law's tongue which ominously was suggested by Cowie's Mum. The theme was set. The scene set. And then I was dragged into a meeting and the whole thing fell apart!
I apologised, groveled and rearranged. But the ox tongue had all gone and it takes 11 days to brine! Disaster! Feeling pretty low we decided to go anyway and see what happened. And that's where the sandwich Gods changed their tune. Their on the menu was a sandwich so perfect for the occasion that I almost did a lap of honour.

The bacon and marmalade sandwich was the perfect combination for us. And this month's theme is obviously breakfast. For this month's Sandwichist article about Konstam's Bacon and Marmalade sandwich click here.

If anyone has any suggestions for themes for April please leave a comment. So far I am thinking of doing a true British sandwich to tie in with St. George's day on April 23rd that may or may not be St. John's ox heart sandwich.
Jonathan - have you noticed I haven't done a sandwich this month? That's because March 2009 must be a curse to the sandwich lover! I have had very similar problems. I'm probably just going to skip a month to be perfectly honest. Great Konstam offering there though and I have to say - I like the idea of the jam sanger!
Gloriously evocative description of the jam sandwich. You should try the Scotch egg at the Harwood Arms if you haven't had the chance yet - a different product!
Love the Proustian jam sandwich, I've never seen them in M&S, I love that they sell them, if only they'd sell peanut butter and jam!
@Helen - The curse of the March sandwich hey! The Jam sanger was a classic. Think it is a stroke of genius by M&S! What's up your sleeve for April?
@Oliver - Scotch egg at the Harwood Arms sounds like a must. It's now on the list. Thanks for you kind words about the jam sandwich.
@Mark - thanks for the pat on the back for the Proustian piece. I think if the peanut butter and jam sandwich was more English than American they'd have it on their shelves in a heartbeat.
Wonderful. Blogging a jam sandwich is a gorgeous thing, isn't it? Simplicity and nostalgia is too often forgotten.
Hey @bunchesmcginty thanks for stopping by. Great blogs by the way. The jam sanwich, once perfected, is a noble culinary delight!
At the tender age of 13, I went through a phase of making two rounds of strawberry jam sandwiches to eat just before bed (along with a glass of milk) much to the bemusement of my parents. Made me the man I am today.
Never underestimate the power of the jam sandwich.
@Food Urchin - the power of the jam sandwich is extreme. Underestimate it at your peril.
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