I must confess I had to lie to most of my friends about what I was doing... it was only on Friday evening that the penny dropped that the macaron class clashed with the England vs Australia rugby match. Whoops. My house mate found out and I suspect it is going to take some time before I'm allowed to live it down! Not only is he now doubting my sexuality, but a bunch of the great food bloggers I met thought that Cowie is a man!!! I can assure you all that Cowie is very much a girl!

So a whole bunch of keeno food bloggers (me included) rocked up on Saturday afternoon to get stuck in. I was in a cracking team of 4 tasked with making foie gras macarons died with squid ink. Rather than tell you how to do it, just have a look at the pictures below.

There was something very amusing about the environment with around 2,000 pictures being taken! You can see from the picture below that it wasn't your normal cooking environment!

Here's some of the photographic highlights...

It was great to meet such fun and passionate people. For instance I had a fascinating chat with Shuna about bread, sandwiches, The French Laundry and sourdough... who you can see masterfully piping the scarlet macarons below

Here's a round up of the team - it was great to meet you all. I can't wait to do something fun as a group again. Food blogging is a funny old thing. It's great to meet so many like minded souls.
World Foodie Guide
Eat Like a Girl
Hollow Legs
Cooking the Books
An American in London
Food Rambler
London Eater
Food Flunky
The Princess and the Recipe
Food by Mark
Tamarind and Thyme
Trusted Places Blog

So a massive thank you to Trusted Places... and specifically to Niamh. You're a star.

And to Laura for being the chief videographer.

And also to L'Ateliers des Chefs which offers a great experience. I can't wait to return for more fun and games.
Awh, thanks! Great, great day. The people & L'atelier des Chefs made it. So much fun. Looking forward to our next event :-)
Great photos and post too by the way - hit enter too quickly there!
Super photos! I love your close-ups, something my point and shoot isn't so great at. What a fun day, and sorry you missed out on RUGBY...
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