But if I had one of these I wouldn't be able to stop buying apples and oranges!

I found this on Treehugger and have fallen head of heals in excitement about it. It covers everything I like: food, design, green stuff, quirky things and the internet!
Slartibartfast was particularly fond of the fjords, but the whole world is covered in wonderful topography that one can read from contour maps with a bit of training, but cannot feel without being there. Until now, with Fluid Earth. This brings together so many ideas that we love at TreeHugger; mass customization, downloadable designs, creative use of the latest technologies to develop beautiful things. And what could be more beautiful than your favourite place on Earth?
"Fluid Earth bowls are unique works of art in the form of your chosen part of the earth. The beloved On-line Service Google-Maps enable you to quickly and easily design your own work of art. The world is truly at you fingers and can be filled with the fruits of the earth."

You go online and find your favourite spot and fiddle with the scale and dimensions; (most contour models have to be exaggerated vertically unless you are in the mountains) and play with it until you are happy;

then add to your cart. "After ordering your bowl the Algodes software generates the required production files. This is feed into the computer controlled (CNC) milling machine that forms a block of wood into your personal Fluid Earth. Since every bowl is different the surface is sanded and polished by hand and finaly protected with a natural oil. To keep your bowl looking fresh and new, simply apply a new coating of olive or sunflower oil."
Two weeks later you have your own little piece of planet Earth, preserved in wood. What a fabulous mashup of technology, art and design to make what must be the most creative use yet of NASA's databases, Google Earth, CNC technology and online shopping. ::Fluid Earth via ::Product Dose
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