Wow. This is the best thing I have cooked this year. And I owe most of it to a chap called Thom Dinsdale who inspired this recipe by sending me his miso risotto recipe. My initial reaction was that it sounded a bit weird and terribly savoury. But. With the addition of the miso skate, some pak choi and Japanese mushrooms it was superb.
Go for a glass of wine after work. Have two or three by mistake and then hot foot it to Waitrose where you know they have all the clever Japanese stuff that this needs. Then realise that they have run out of white/shiro miso paste and hurredly improvise by panic buying sachets of miso soup. Next visit the fish counter and realise that cod is very expensive and opt for skate wings instead. Especially when they are on offer for £1 a wing. Result.
Then pick up some mirin, rice wine, pak choi, spring onions, oriental mushrooms including shitake and those tall skinny ones and zoom home as fast as possible because you've promised your house mate and their friend dinner. And you're already an hour late before setting off!
Burst in. Grab all the saucepans and get cooking. Drink more wine as if it is Lucozade before a big match. Add miso sachets to a pan and add 2/3 of the amount of water that they suggest. Dissolve. Then remove enough liquid to use as a marinade and place in the fridge until cooled having added mirin and some rice wine vinegar. When it is cooled chuck in the skate wings. If you do this when the liquid is hot the fish will get poached.
Add more water to the miso liquid and let it heat up into the stock for the risotto. I added some dried mushrooms to give it more depth as well.
Add oil and butter to a heavy Le Crueset pan and melt. Chop several spring onions and dramtically add to the pan. Imagine you are Keith Floyd at this moment and don't be afraid of miming a voice over. Feel free to spill most of the contents on the floor. And don't worry about setting fire to the tea towel. There are plenty more in the drawer. Add a chopped onion and sweat until soft.
Then add risotto rice and let it crackle for a bit. Then pour in half a glass of rice wine or sake. Let this hiss away and then add the miso soup as if it was stock, one ladle full at a time. Stir continously. It will become wonderfully thick and glossy.
Remove skate wings from marinade and place in a foiled baking tray on top of some spring onions to act as a matress.
Pour over remaining marinade and add some ginger and a bit of chilli. Bake for 12 minutes in a hot oven until the flesh is cooked and the edge has browned.
Whilst the skate is cooking, do the stir fry by adding the pak choi and mushrooms to a wok with some oil and blasting over a high heat. Douse in a glug of soy towards the end and drizzle with sesame oil.
Amalgamate all the elements and serve. It is so delicious and relatively easy to do. My next evolution of this dish is going to involve using Gastronomy Domine's recipe for miso glazed recipe that includes the shiro miso paste that I couldn't get in Waitrose but adapting it for skate cheeks and skate wing to accompany the risotto. I can't wait to give it a go.
Looks FANtastic. Now, if only I could find myself a skate! I haven't seen one in the Philippines (which is weird, as we are more coast than land) or the States.
I always struggle eating skate ... you know, getting the fish off the "bones." I know how to but never seem to get it right.
That's a really interesting take on the traditional risotto, I've never thought of doing anything different with it but I imagine this works very well.
Glad you all like it. It was very satisyfing to make and eat. And a big debut for the new studio light...
If you can't get skate this would work well with any white fish...
With skate it's all about scraping the flesh off the bones. I find it quite satisfying.
Miso risotto works really well. Especially when garnished with spring onions and oriental mushrooms. It's really savoury. But wonderful. And very different.
Beautiful recipe! I love those pictures too ;) What bargainous skate wings - £1 each - talk about in the right place at the right time. The whole dish sounds really delicious and different. I bet your dining partners were pleased - talk about worth the wait!
Hi Helen!
Well. One dining partner proclaimed she had a mushroom alergy. And the other loved it!
It was so much fun to make. I'm looking forward to evolving it. When I get my hands on the right Japanese ingredients it will be even better.
Wowser. When I saw the title to your post I was a leetle nervous, but it actually sounds and looks great. And I love skate anyway, so it's got to be good!
I was quite nervous too. I had a horrid feeling it was going to be a disaster. But thankfully it really worked. There are a few things that could be better. But it landed up being one of the most interesting things I've ever cooked.
That looks fantastic! Love it when it all works out.
Looking good, I've had many of those chuck it all together in style moments whilst guests await!
Got some cod in the freezer, and miso paste. . .I think I see where this is going!
If I was given that dish for supper my jaw would be on the floor. So impressive... And loving the interesting back story to it's creation too!
Hi Lizzie, Alex and Neil,
So glad you like the dish. It worked out great. I just can't wait to refine it and take it to the next level.
this is an awesome risotto! Would love to try your recipe.
That skate looks incredible. Great post!
Hi J and J.
So pleased you like the risotto. It's so easy to do and tastes fantastic. It's so fun to unleash a bit of creativity.
You're on fire! Sounds great.
Thanks Caitlin. It's been a lot of fun recenetly. I just need some time to regroup before the next burst.
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