Wednesday 20 May 2009

British Sandwich Week - A Thank You

Last week was British Sandwich Week, so in my role as the Londonist's "sandwich correspondent" I asked London's top food and drink bloggers to review their favourite sandwiches in London. The brief simply was:

Write a review of a British sandwich from an independent sandwich shop

The response was magnificent. I am so pleased that everyone found the project so much fun. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm just living in my own little world called "Sandwichville"...

... so it is great to work with so many of you to unearth the sandwich treasures that London has to offer. Thanks you so much to:

Su-Lin from Tamarind and Thyme for reviewing 2 brilliant sandwiches from Raison d'Etre in South Ken
Dan from Essex Eating for the lamb sandwich from The Larder on St. John Street
Food Urchin for the ham and mozzarella sandwich from Alford's in Faringdon
Kerri from Dinner Diaries for the smoked salmon sandwich from Kastner and Ovens in Covent Garden
Family Styles for reviewing THREE sandwiches. All of them sensationally naughty.
Goodshoeday from With Knife and Fork for not only reviewing a bought sandwich but also showing us all up by making her own with sourdough!
Niamh from Eat Like a Girl for making us all fall in love all over again with the pork belly sandwich from Konstam in Kings Cross
Helen from Food Stories for the epic Pan Bagnat that must have taken a fortnight to make
Charlie from Eatmynels for such an addictive "boy sandwich" that would be perfect whilst waking up on a Sunday

I can't thank you all enough for your help with this month's Sandwichist post. Without your help British Sandwich Week would have gone by without even so much as a whimper. And the big, evil sandwich overlords would have won by making us all eat their plastic wrapped, soggy, flacid sandwiches that are manufactured without even a slither of passion and far too much mayonnaise.

Photo from Cutie Pie via Flickr Creative Commons

If anyone has any epic sandwiches to suggest for future months, please leave a helpful comment.


Dan said...

Browners thanks for the,...err...thanks.

A pleasure to eat it and write about it.
Enjoyed the whole experience, glad to have helped.

mei said...

thanks so much for putting the post together! i will happily eat bacon, more bacon, and lots of cheese for the greater good at any time.

--mei from familystyles

Browners said...

@Dan - thanks for thanking the thanks. Cheers.

@Mei - that's a pleasure. I can never get enough bacon and cheese!

Alex said...

No helpful comments I'm afraid but Sandwich Correspondent has to be the best job title ever!

Browners said...

@Alex - It's great when you can give yourself job titles!


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